ServBay Helper Service Troubleshooting
ServBay manages services through ServBay Helper
. If the Helper is not installed correctly, ServBay will not function properly, such as being unable to start or stop services, and unable to obtain service run information.
If you see prompts like ServBay Helper Not Installed
or Unable to Connect to ServBay Helper
when you open ServBay, it means ServBay Helper
is not installed correctly. In this case, follow the system prompts to reinstall it.
Check Background Running Items
In macOS settings, open General
- Login Items
, and make sure ServBay-related items are selected.
Check Helper Process
Open Activity Monitor
, in View
, select All Processes
, and search for ServBay
in the right-side search bar to confirm that the Dev.ServBay.macOS.ServBay.Helper
process exists.
Check Helper's Log
Check /tmp/Dev.ServBay.macOS.ServBay.Helper.log
to see if there are any abnormal data outputs.
Reinstall Helper
If the above troubleshooting steps do not solve the problem, follow these steps to reinstall the Helper:
- Completely exit ServBay
- Open Terminal
- Run the following commands
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/Dev.ServBay.macOS.ServBay.Helper.plist
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/Dev.ServBay.macOS.ServBay.Helper.plist
sudo rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/Dev.ServBay.macOS.ServBay.Helper
- Reopen ServBay and follow the prompts to install the Helper
At this point, the problem should be resolved.