# Install and Manage Root Certificate

ServBay provides a private root certificate (ServBay Local CA) for issuing custom domain names and real-time SSL certificate issuance. The root certificate of the private CA is installed by default during the ServBay initialization process.

Here are the steps to install and manage the root certificate:

# Install Root Certificate

If you accidentally deleted the ServBay Local CA, you can reinstall it with the following steps:

  1. Open the ServBay.

  2. Click on "Settings" in the left navigation bar.

Settings Tab
  1. In the settings page, find the "ServBay Root CA" option.
Install CA
  1. In the "ServBay Root CA" option, click the "Install ServBay Root CA" button.

  2. The system will prompt for confirmation, follow the prompts to complete the installation.

Once installed, you can use ServBay's private CA for issuing custom domain names and SSL certificates.

# Remove Root Certificate

If you need to delete the ServBay Local CA, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the ServBay.

  2. Click on "Settings" in the left navigation bar.

Settings Tab
  1. In the settings page, find the "ServBay Root CA" option.
Remove CA
  1. In the "ServBay Root CA" option, click the "Remove ServBay Root CA" button.

  2. The system will prompt for confirmation, follow the prompts to complete the deletion.


After deleting the root certificate, you will lose the ability to use the ServBay Local CA, which may affect the normal functioning of custom domain names and SSL certificate features. If you need to reinstall, you can refer to the "Install Root Certificate" steps mentioned above.

Last Updated: 4/24/2024