# Redis Management

ServBay provides command-line tools to facilitate the management of Redis databases. Follow these steps to manage your Redis database.

# Using Command-Line Management

Firstly, you need to install ServBay's command-line tools. Refer to the Command-Line Support documentation for detailed installation steps.

Once the command-line tools are installed, use the following command to connect to the Redis database:

# Connect to the local Redis database

# Common Redis Operations

Here are some common Redis database operations:

  • View all key-value pairs:

    keys *
  • Add a key-value pair:

    set my_key my_value
  • Retrieve a key-value pair:

    get my_key
  • Delete a key-value pair:

    del my_key
  • Additional operations: Refer to the Redis Command Reference (opens new window) for more information on Redis commands.

# Redis Monitoring

You can use the following command to start Redis monitoring mode, allowing real-time visibility into database operations:

redis-cli monitor

Through these steps and common operations, you can easily manage and operate Redis databases using ServBay's command-line tools.

Last Updated: 11/23/2023