# Add Custom Domain and SSL Certificate

In ServBay, you can easily add a custom domain to your website. If you are using ServBay Local CA, you can also conveniently generate an SSL certificate to provide secure HTTPS access. Here are the simple steps to add a custom domain and SSL certificate:

# Add a Custom Domain When Adding a New Website

  1. Open ServBay, click on "Hosts" in the left navigation bar.
ServBay Dashboard
  1. On the website list page, click the "+" button to enter the add host page.
Add a host
  1. In the add host page, find the "Domain" option.

  2. In the "Domain" input box, enter the custom domain you want to add, such as servbay.test or servbay.local.

Custom Domain
  1. Click the "Add" button to complete the addition.

Now, your newly added website can be accessed via the custom domain.

# Add a Custom Domain When Modifying an Existing Website

  1. Open ServBay, click on "Hosts" in the left navigation bar.
ServBay Dashboard
  1. On the website list page, find the website to which you want to add a custom domain, click on the website name to enter the details page.

  2. On the website details page, find the "Domain" option.

  3. In the "Domain" input box, enter the custom domain you want to add.

Change Custom Domain
  1. Click the "Save" button.

Now, your website can be accessed via the newly added custom domain.

# Generate an SSL Certificate for the Custom Domain

If you want to enable HTTPS for your website with a custom domain, you can use ServBay Local CA to generate an SSL certificate. Follow these steps:

  1. Open ServBay, click on "Hosts" in the left navigation bar.
ServBay Dashboard
  1. On the website list page, find the website for which you want to generate an SSL certificate, click on the website name to enter the details page.

  2. On the website details page, find the "Web Protocol" option.

  3. In the "Web Protocol" section, choose "HTTP & HTTPS" or "HTTPS," and the system will automatically generate a SSL certificate.

Generate SSL
  1. After confirming, click "Save."

Now, your website will have the ability to be accessed via HTTPS. You can access your website securely by visiting https://your-domain.custom.

With these steps, you can easily add a custom domain to your website in ServBay and generate SSL certificate when needed, providing a more secure way to access your website.

Last Updated: 4/24/2024